
Jun 30, 2011

Deploy Adobe Reader X

Quick post for remembering the basic steps for deploying Adobe Reader X via GPO...

Start by registering to download Adobe Reader by selecting the "Distribute Adobe Reader" from here.

Once you have the exe, run the following command to extract the msi:

<path >\AdbeRdr1010_en_US.exe -nos_o"Reader10" -nos_ne 

Browse...dump the files to the distribution share...then run the Adobe Customization Wizard X  (Download from here).

At this point, you can customize the install however you want (Click ‘File->Save Package’ when complete)

Now the distribution share is ready to go...time to configure the GPO!

1.       Open Group Policy Management MMC
2.       Under Computer Configuration, drill down to Software Installation
3.       Select New Package->Browse to the MSI, and select “Advanced” when prompted
4.       Click the “Modifications” tab, and select “Add”.
5.       Browse to the .mst file (which is created from the Adobe Customization Wizard)
6.       Press OK, and you are done!

As always, test before deployment...(Virtual Machines are your friend!)

Jun 29, 2011

Slipstream Office 2010 SP1

Quick blog post to remember the commands for slipstreaming service packs into an Office Distribution point...

First, your distribution point should contain all the files/folders off the Office installation media.

Basically, what you want to do is extract the contents from the Service Pack, and place the files in the ‘Updates’ folder.  This will ensure that each time Office is installed fresh, that it will integrate the service pack immediately.

So, first step is to obtain the service packs:

Navigate to the:  Office 2010 SP1 KB2460049 article to download:

NOTE: Choose the Service Pack based on version (x86 or x64) of Office you have installed.

Once you have the files, run the following commands:

NOTE: This example uses the path "C:\Office2010_SP1Download\" as the folder containing the service pack, and "C:\Office2010x86\" as the source of the Office Installation media.

For x86:
"C:\Office2010_SP1Download\officesuite2010sp1-kb2460049-x86-fullfile-en-us.exe" /extract:"C:\Office2010x86\Updates"

For x64:
"C:\Office2010_SP1Download\officesuite2010sp1-kb2460049-x64-fullfile-en-us.exe" /extract:"C:\Office2010x64\Updates"

That’s about it!  Now you can open the ‘updates’ folder, and you should see all the service pack files...

As always, test it before deployment...(Virtual Machines are your friend!)

Good Luck!

First Post

After a lot of deliberation on which platform to choose...Dave's IT TechBlog is online!

Originally, I built a CentOS web server in an Oracle VirtualBox Virtual Machine...installed WordPress, and it seemed to be a great option (lots of features and flexibility)!  After playing with it for a while...and a few unforseen reboots from the kids...I decided a cloud service like Blogger is the better choice. plan is to blog about the different issues and fixes I find throughout my day as a Systems Administrator.  Whether it is a BSOD error code, found bugs, best practice, or just something I find interesting...expect to see it here!

I am playing a lot with templates and layouts right now, so don't be surprised if everything looks a little crazy?!? 

That is about it!  First post is complete...!!