
Jul 19, 2011

An error occurred while the wizard was checking the current Windows product license. Error Code: 8: 0x8007000e

So...I have a Windows Server 2003 SP1, and started receiving numerous “Windows Product Activation” errors:

An error occurred while the wizard was checking the current Windows product license. Error Code: 8: 0x8007000e
Now, the system has been properly activated, so why the events?  Apparently, the error code 8: 0x8007000e points to limited resources available (i.e. low memory).  Answer:  Memory Leak!

First thing to check is memory utilization.  This can be accomplished by viewing the 'Processes' tab in Task Manager.  Sure enough, my winlogon.exe process was using over 2GB of memory!?!  Definitely a problem...

So, just like 99% of the time, a reboot fixed it!  Although, a reboot will not stop it from returning...

The MS article KB912354 outlines this issue as a known bug in SP1.  It identifies the winlogon.exe and licdll.dll as the culprits, which can easily be remedied by upgrading to SP2. 

Hope this helps someone!  Good luck!

Jul 5, 2011

Dell OMSA Login issue with Computer Names containing Underscore

So I can successfully log into every one of my Dell servers via Open Manage Server Administrator, except for a few servers that are named with an underscore (or understrike, low line, low dash, underbar)...i.e. Server_Name or Exchange_A

Not sure the exact reason for the issue, but I do have a fix...!

Instead of navigating to the server via Computer name, use the IP Address! 

Instead of:     https://Exchange_A:1311/

Alternatively, you can log onto the server locally and use “localhost” or loopback address...

I should also note that on the servers I am seeing this issue, I am running version 5.2 and 5.4 of the OMSA software...

To ensure this issue doesn’t reappear, update all Favorites/Bookmarks with the IP...

Hope this helps!